Management Team

Gregory Farmakis
"Our business model is simple. You don't merely buy our cloud software or statistical services. You recruit a team of engineers and statisticians that become members of your own clinical trial team and share your commitment to the success of your trial"

Maria Glossioti
Software Dev. Team Leader
"A good software engineer is not somebody which is merely excellent in technology and software skills. A good software engineer has an in-depth understanding of the work the users are doing with our systems, their problems and their constraints. This is the culture of our team of software engineers"

Sonia Chalkidou
Clinical Data Mgmt Team Leader
"Data management for clinical trials isn’t just about following SOPs, writing plans or validating data. It is primarily about working with CRO’s and sponsors to help them ensure the success of a trial at every simple single task, identifying risks early and solving problems. And this requires constant and close every-day communication with our clients"

Anais Santourian
Statistics Team Leader
"When our statisticians are doing analysis work and statistical programming, we are aware that our data concern real patients and have a deep feeling of responsibility. Statistics is a science and an art and can be very hard work. One cannot do it responsibly without commitment and passion"