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Agilis is committed to respecting the privacy of any person communicating with us and protecting their personal dataThis Privacy Policy describes the main types of personal information processed, how that information is used and disclosed, and our commitments to the individuals whose information we handle. 

Agilis collects necessary only personal information as part of its regular business operations and communication. These include personal data (i.e name, surname, business email and/or address information) from employees of business partners, as well as from users interacting with the information systems and software applications operated and administered, or communicating with us with electronic means, such as visiting our web site or by e-mail and social media. 

Agilis collects personal information from job applicants to open positions within the company, including private contact details, professional qualifications and previous employment history to inform employment decisions. CVs and personal data will be kept only as needed for the applicant selection process. Once employed, Agilis collects information on staff for human resource, performance, payroll and tax purposes. Various company internal systems will collect and record employee level information consistent with standard business operations. Agilis processes similar information relating to consultants and external experts contracted on a freelance basis. 

Personal information will be shared within Agilis only on a “need to know” basis to meet stated legitimate business purposes. Physical and logical access to the locations containing personal information is restricted only to properly authorized staff. Agilis does not trade or sell personal information. 

In case companies are subcontracted work related with the processing of personal data these are required to sign confidentiality agreements whereby they will commit to only process personal information consistent with contracted purposes, apply appropriate organizational and technical security safeguards, and where relevant, meet security and data privacy requirements. 

Agilis stores any personal information needed and only for as long as it is needed in operational cloud infrastructure of external data hosting providers operating under the legal constraints of the EU GDPR Regulation. Agilis has in place various technical and organizational safeguards during collecting, storing, transferring and sharing of personal information. 

Agilis takes all the appropriate measures to ensure that all personal data is kept secure including security measures to prevent personal data from being accidentally lost, or used or accessed in an unauthorised way. Access to personal data is limited only to those who have a genuine business need to know it. Those processing personal information will do so only in an authorised manner and are subject to a duty of confidentiality. 

Agilis has also procedures in place to deal with any suspected data security breach. We will notify you and any applicable regulator of a suspected data security breach where we are legally required to do so. 

The company maintains a comprehensive information security policy which is included in the company’s quality manual and is regularly audited by external auditors.  

For any inquiry concerning personal data privacy please contact our Data Protection Officer ( or call +30 211 100 3310.